Philips 3200 vs 5400: A Detailed Comparison of Two Espresso Machines

As coffee enthusiasts, we understand the importance of having the perfect coffee machine to accompany our daily brews. The Philips 3200 and 5400 coffee machines have become popular contenders in the market, each offering unique features and capabilities. In this article, we will thoroughly compare the Philips 3200 vs 5400, helping you make an informed decision and find the ideal coffee companion that suits your brewing preferences. So, let’s embark on this coffee journey and find out which machine is the perfect fit for you

Philips 3200 vs 5400: Comparison


Philips 3200 EP3221/44

Philips 5400




Weight / Power / Voltage

16.5 Pounds / 1500W / 120V

17.6 pounds

Water Tank Capacity

60.85 oz

60.9 oz

Bean Hopper Size

9.6 oz

9.6 oz

Grind Settings

12 settings

12 settings

Dimensions (LxWxH)

9.8 x 17 x 14.6 inches

9.8 x 17 x 14.6 inches

Coffee Grinder Type

Ceramic burr grinder

Ceramic burr grinder

Quiet grinder



Milk-based one-touch beverages



Compatible with preground coffee



Spout Height

3.3 - 5.7 inches

3.3 - 5.7 inches

Water tank position



Programmable Drinks

9 Drinks

14 Drinks

Used Coffee Drawer Capacity

Up to 12 servings

Up to 12 servings



 Plastic and Chrome

Design and Build Quality

The Philips 3200 and 5400 are two coffee machines that have gained popularity in the market. When it comes to the design and build quality, there are a few noteworthy differences between the two models. Starting with the physical appearance, the Philips 3200 showcases a modern and sleek design with a clean finish. On the other hand, the Philips 5400 features a more sophisticated look, with a larger touchscreen display and a slightly bulkier build.

In terms of construction, both machines are made from high-quality materials that ensure durability and longevity. However, the 5400 model stands out with its stainless steel accents and premium finish, giving it a more luxurious feel. Additionally, the 5400 model also incorporates more advanced design elements, such as a retractable brewing unit and a larger water reservoir. These features not only enhance the overall user experience but also contribute to the overall build quality of the machine. Overall, both the Philips 3200 and 5400 exhibit excellent build quality and attention to detail. While the 3200 model offers a more minimalist design, the 5400 model adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the overall appearance. Whether it’s the choice of materials, design elements, or overall construction, both machines deliver a solid and reliable performance.

Coffee Brewing System

When it comes to coffee brewing systems, the Philips 3200 and 5400 stand out as two popular options for coffee lovers. Starting with the brewing systems, both machines offer a versatile range of beverages that can be prepared. The Philips 3200 and 5400 can brew espresso, cappuccino, latte, and more, ensuring that users can enjoy a variety of coffee specialties. Additionally, both systems have multiple programmable options, allowing users to customize their brew to their preferred taste and strength.
In terms of the number of beverages they can prepare, the Philips 3200 and 5400 offer different capacities. The Philips 3200 has the ability to prepare up to 5 different beverages, making it a great choice for individuals or small households. On the other hand, the Philips 5400 is designed to handle larger quantities, with the capability to prepare up to 12 different beverages. This makes it ideal for large families or offices where multiple people may want to enjoy different types of coffee.
When it comes to the brewing process, both machines utilize advanced technologies to ensure a high-quality cup of coffee. The Philips 3200 features a unique LatteGo system, which uses a two-part milk system to ensure creamy and smooth milk-based beverages. Furthermore, the machine uses the Aroma Extract system to extract maximum flavor from the coffee beans, resulting in rich and flavorful coffee.
Similarly, the Philips 5400 also incorporates the Aroma Extract system, ensuring a delicious cup of coffee every time. Additionally, it features the AquaClean filter, which purifies the water used for brewing, enhancing the taste and aroma of the coffee.

Philips 3200 vs 5400: Grinding Options

When comparing the Philips 3200 and 5400 espresso machines, one key factor to consider is the grinding options. Both machines offer the convenience of built-in coffee grinders, but there are some differences in terms of controls and customization. The Philips 3200 features 12 adjustable grinding settings, allowing users to achieve their desired level of coarseness or fineness for their coffee beans. This versatility is ideal for those who prefer a personalized brewing experience. On the other hand, the Philips 5400 takes grinding options a step further with 18 adjustable settings. This machine provides even more control over the grind size, ensuring that coffee enthusiasts can achieve the perfect consistency for their preferred brew method. Whether it’s a coarse grind for French press or a fine grind for espresso, the Philips 5400 offers a wide range of options to suit different preferences. Overall, while both machines offer the convenience of built-in grinders, the Philips 5400 provides more grinding options for advanced customization.

Milk Frothing and Steaming

When it comes to comparing milk frothing and steaming capabilities, the Philips 3200 and 5400 both offer impressive performance and top-notch froth quality. The Philips 3200 features a classic milk frother that uses steam to create creamy foam for your favorite beverages. This frother is easy to use and ensures consistent results every time. On the other hand, the Philips 5400 takes it up a notch by incorporating an advanced LatteGo system. This innovative system uses a milk circuit that is fully integrated into the coffee machine, eliminating the need for external tubes. It provides faster and efficient frothing and steaming, delivering barista-quality milk-based drinks in minutes.

Both machines have their unique advantages when it comes to frothing and steaming. The Philips 3200’s steam wand is perfect for those who prefer to have more control over the frothing process. With a simple turn of the knob, you can adjust the level of frothiness according to your preference. On the other hand, the Philips 5400’s LatteGo system offers a more automated approach. With just a touch of a button, you can enjoy perfectly frothed milk for your cappuccinos or lattes. The froth produced by both machines is velvety and smooth, with a delicate texture that adds a luxurious touch to your beverages. Whether you choose the Philips 3200 or the 5400, you can be confident that you’ll be able to enjoy cafe-style drinks in the comfort of your own home.

Noise Level

When comparing the noise level generated by the Philips 3200 and 5400 machines during operation, there are noticeable differences. The Philips 3200 has been praised for its relatively low noise level. Users have reported that it operates quietly, allowing them to enjoy their coffee without any disruptive noise in the background. On the other hand, the Philips 5400 tends to produce a slightly higher noise level compared to its counterpart. Although it is not overly loud or bothersome, some users have mentioned that they can hear a faint noise while the machine is in operation. However, it is important to note that noise perception can be subjective, and what may be considered quiet by one person may still be audible to another. Additionally, both machines come with various automatic features, such as the integrated grinder or milk frother, which can contribute to slight noise variations during their functioning. Overall, while the Philips 3200 and 5400 both perform admirably in terms of noise level, the Philips 3200 may have a slight edge in providing a quieter coffee experience.

Water Tank Capacity

When comparing the Philips 3200 and 5400 coffee makers, one important feature to consider is the water tank capacity. The Philips 3200 has a water tank capacity of approximately 1.8 liters, while the Philips 5400 boasts a larger capacity of around 1.8 to 2.2 liters. This indicates that the Philips 5400 has a larger water tank, allowing for more cups of coffee to be made before the need for refilling. With the average cup of coffee requiring approximately 200 milliliters of water, the Philips 3200 can make around 9 cups of coffee before needing to be refilled, whereas the Philips 5400 can make between 9 and 11 cups of coffee. This means that the Philips 5400 provides a slightly larger convenience factor, as it allows for a few extra cups of coffee to be made before having to refill the water tank. If you are someone who regularly drinks coffee or if you often entertain guests, the larger water tank capacity of the Philips 5400 might be a beneficial feature to consider.

Cleaning and Maintenance 

When it comes to cleaning and maintenance, both the Philips 3200 and 5400 have convenient features that make the task easier and more efficient. The Philips 3200 offers an automatic cleaning cycle that can be initiated with just a touch of a button. This handy feature saves time and effort, ensuring that the machine is thoroughly cleaned after each use. On the other hand, the Philips 5400 takes it a step further with its AquaClean filter. This built-in filter not only purifies the water, but it also prevents the build-up of limescale, eliminating the need for descaling the machine for up to 5000 cups. Both models require regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them in good working condition. This includes cleaning the brew group, the milk frother, and the water tank. However, the Philips 5400 does have an advantage with its automated maintenance alerts and reminders, making it easier for users to stay on top of the necessary tasks. Overall, both the Philips 3200 and 5400 provide efficient cleaning processes and require similar effort to keep them well-maintained.

Coffee Taste and Quality

When comparing the taste and quality of the coffee produced by the Philips 3200 and the Philips 5400 machines, several factors need to be taken into consideration. Temperature plays a crucial role in the overall coffee experience, as it affects the extraction of flavors from the coffee grounds. Both machines offer precise temperature control, ensuring that the coffee is brewed at an optimal temperature to bring out the full flavor potential. However, the Philips 5400 boasts a more advanced heating system, which allows for even better temperature consistency. This results in a richer and more flavorful cup of coffee.

Flavor extraction is another important factor to consider when evaluating the taste and quality of the coffee. Both machines utilize advanced brewing technology to extract maximum flavor from the coffee beans. The Philips 5400, in particular, offers a full coffee aroma extraction system, which ensures that all the natural flavors and aromas are captured and infused into the final cup. This results in a well-balanced and nuanced taste profile.
For espresso-based drinks, crema formation is crucial as it is an indicator of a well-extracted espresso shot. Both machines are equipped with efficient and powerful pressure systems that facilitate the formation of a thick and velvety crema. The Philips 5400 offers a higher pressure pump, which allows for a more consistent and professional-grade crema formation.

Philips 3200 vs 5400: User Interface and Controls

When comparing the Philips 3200 and Philips 5400 coffee machines, one important aspect to consider is the user interface and controls. Both machines offer a straightforward and intuitive control panel that allows users to easily navigate through the different brewing options. The Philips 3200 features a minimalist control panel with buttons for selecting the strength of the coffee, adjusting the volume, and activating the frothing function. It also has a simple LCD display that shows the chosen settings and the progress of the brewing process. On the other hand, the Philips 5400 has a slightly more advanced control panel with a color touch screen display. This touch screen allows users to select their preferred coffee size, strength, and temperature with just a few taps. It also provides step-by-step instructions for various brewing options, making it easy for beginners to use. Both machines have programmable options for brewing different types of coffee, including espresso, cappuccino, and Americano. Users can customize the strength, volume, and temperature to suit their personal preference. Overall, both the Philips 3200 and Philips 5400 offer user-friendly interfaces and controls that make brewing coffee a breeze. Whether you prefer a minimalist control panel or a touch screen display, both machines are designed to provide a hassle-free brewing experience.

Price and Value:

 When it comes to comparing the Philips 3200 vs 5400 price and value play an important role in the decision-making process. On analyzing the price points of both machines, it becomes evident that the Philips 3200 is a more affordable option compared to the 5400 model. Despite being lower in price, the 3200 still offers great value for money. On the other hand, the Philips 5400 coffee machine is a more premium option with a higher price tag. It offers additional features like a touch screen display, a double bean hopper, and a variety of specialty coffee options.These added features enhance the overall brewing experience and justify its high price.

 Philips 3200 vs 5400:Which one you should choose

 When it comes to choosing between the Philips 3200 and 5400, there are a few factors to consider. First and foremost is the espresso taste quality. Both machines are known for delivering a delicious cup of espresso, but the 5400 takes it a step further with its advanced brewing technology. It is equipped with a patented Aroma Extract system that ensures maximum flavor extraction from the coffee beans. Additionally, the 5400 offers more brewing options than the 3200, allowing you to customize your coffee experience to your liking. However, this added functionality comes with a higher price tag. The Philips 5400 is more expensive than the 3200, making it a better choice for those who are willing to invest in a top-notch coffee machine. Lastly, if you are a fan of lattes, the Lattego system on the 5400 is a game-changer. It froths the milk directly in the cup, resulting in a creamy and velvety texture. Overall, both machines are great options, but if budget is not a concern and you enjoy lattes, the Philips 5400 is the way to go.

What are the advantages of using super-automatic espresso machines like Philips 3200 and 5400?

Super-automatic espresso machines such as the Philips 3200 and 5400 offer a range of advantages for coffee lovers. One of the main benefits is the convenience in brewing. These machines are designed to automate the entire coffee-making process, from grinding the beans to frothing the milk, making it easy for users to enjoy their favorite coffee drinks with minimal effort. Additionally, these machines provide a wide variety of coffee drinks, allowing users to choose from espresso, cappuccino, latte, and more. This versatility caters to different taste preferences and ensures that there is a drink for everyone.
Consistency in espresso quality is also a key advantage of super-automatic espresso machines. These machines are programmed to deliver consistent results every time, ensuring that each espresso is brewed to perfection. This is particularly important for coffee enthusiasts who appreciate the taste and aroma of a well-extracted shot. Moreover, many super-automatic machines, including the Philips 3200 and 5400, come with built-in milk frothing capabilities. This means that users can easily froth milk for lattes and cappuccinos, creating a creamy and velvety texture for their desired drinks.
Lastly, the easy coffee bean grinding feature of these machines is highly convenient. The machines are equipped with efficient grinders that can grind the beans to the desired fineness, resulting in freshly ground coffee that enhances the flavor and aroma of the brew. Overall, super-automatic espresso machines like the Philips 3200 and 5400 offer the advantages of convenience, a wide variety of coffee drinks, consistent espresso quality, milk frothing capabilities, and easy coffee bean grinding, making them a desirable choice for coffee enthusiasts seeking a hassle-free and enjoyable brewing experience. 


In conclusion, the Philips 3200 and 5400 coffee machines offer convenience, versatility, and consistent quality. While the 3200 is an excellent choice for those on a budget, the 5400 justifies its higher price with added features like the Lattego system and a variety of specialty coffee options. Both models deliver creamy and velvety milk-based beverages and cater to different levels of grinding customization. Whether you prefer a minimalist control panel or a color touch screen, both machines are designed to provide a hassle-free brewing experience. In the end, it boils down to individual preferences and budget, so choose wisely to enjoy cafe-style coffee in the comfort of your own home.

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