Nespresso Lattissima Pro vs Gran Lattissima: Unveiling the Ultimate Winner

Nespresso machines have become increasingly popular among coffee lovers. These machines offer a convenient way to enjoy a variety of coffee beverages at home. Two popular models in the Nespresso line are the Lattissima Pro and the Gran Lattissima. In this article, we will compare Lattissima Pro vs Gran Lattissima to determine which one is better suited for your coffee needs.

What are Nespresso machines?

Nespresso machines are coffee makers that use specially designed capsules to brew coffee. These machines are known for their ease of use and the ability to make a wide range of coffee beverages, including lattes, cappuccinos, and espressos.

What is Nespresso Lattissima Pro?

The Lattissima Pro is a Nespresso machine that offers a wide range of features and functionality. It has a sleek design and is packed with advanced brewing options.

What is Nespresso Gran Lattissima?

The Gran Lattissima is another Nespresso machine that is known for its simplicity and ease of use. It offers a variety of drink options and is designed to deliver consistent coffee quality.

Overview of Lattissima Pro

The Lattissima Pro comes with a range of key features that make it a popular choice among coffee enthusiasts. It has a built-in milk frother that allows you to create creamy and frothy milk for lattes and cappuccinos. The machine also has a large water tank and a capsule container that can hold multiple used capsules, making it convenient for multiple-cup brewing.

Advantages of Lattissima Pro

One of the advantages of the Lattissima Pro is its versatility. It offers a wide range of drink options, including espressos, lattes, cappuccinos, and more. The machine also has a touchscreen interface that makes it easy to navigate through the various options and settings.

Disadvantages of Lattissima Pro

One of the drawbacks of the Lattissima Pro is its price. It is a higher-end Nespresso machine, which means it may not be suitable for those on a tight budget. Additionally, some users have reported issues with the durability of the machine over time.

Overview of Gran Lattissima

The Gran Lattissima is a more compact and user-friendly Nespresso machine. It offers a range of features that make it a great choice for those who want a simple and easy-to-use coffee maker.

Main features of Gran Lattissima

The Gran Lattissima has a built-in milk frother that allows you to create frothy milk for lattes and cappuccinos. It also has a large water tank and a capsule container for easy brewing. The machine offers a selection of coffee beverage options and is designed to deliver consistent quality.

Advantages of Gran Lattissima

One of the advantages of the Gran Lattissima is its simplicity. It is easy to use and does not require any complicated settings or programming. The machine also has a sleek and compact design, making it a great addition to any kitchen countertop.

Disadvantages of Gran Lattissima

One of the disadvantages of the Gran Lattissima is its limited drink options. While it offers a variety of coffee beverages, it may not have the same level of customization and brewing options as the Lattissima Pro. Additionally, some users have reported issues with the milk frother not producing consistent foam.

Lattissima Pro vs Gran Lattissima: Camparison

When comparing the Lattissima Pro and the Gran Lattissima, there are several factors to consider, including design and build quality, brewing options and coffee quality, and milk frothing capabilities.

Lattissima Pro vs Gran Lattissima: Design and Build Quality

The Lattissima Pro features a sleek and modern design with a stainless steel finish. It has a compact footprint, making it suitable for smaller kitchens. The machine also has a touchscreen interface for easy navigation.

Build quality of Lattissima Pro

The Lattissima Pro is built to last with sturdy construction. It is made from high-quality materials that ensure durability and longevity. The machine also has a removable water tank and milk container for easy cleaning.

Design elements of Gran Lattissima

The Gran Lattissima has a sleek and compact design that is perfect for any kitchen countertop. It has a one-touch brewing system that allows for easy operation. The machine also has a removable milk container for convenient cleaning.

Lattissima Pro vs Gran Lattissima: Brewing Options and Coffee Quality

Brewing options in Lattissima Pro

The Lattissima Pro offers a wide range of brewing options, including different coffee sizes, strengths, and temperatures. It also has the ability to brew lungo and ristretto shots, giving you more customization options.

Brewing options in Gran Lattissima

The Gran Lattissima offers a selection of predefined drink options, including espressos, lattes, and cappuccinos. While it may not have the same level of customization as the Lattissima Pro, it still delivers consistent coffee quality.

Comparison of coffee quality

Both the Lattissima Pro and the Gran Lattissima deliver excellent coffee quality. The machines are designed to extract the full flavor and aroma from the Nespresso capsules, giving you a rich and flavorful cup of coffee.

Comparison of Milk Frothing Capabilities

The Lattissima Pro has a built-in milk frother that allows you to create velvety and creamy milk froth. It has multiple froth settings that allow you to customize the froth consistency according to your preference.

The Gran Lattissima also has a built-in milk frother that produces frothy milk for lattes and cappuccinos. However, some users have reported that the froth consistency may not be as consistent as the Lattissima Pro.

Differences in milk froth consistency

The Lattissima Pro allows for more control over the milk froth consistency, allowing you to achieve the perfect froth for your coffee. The Gran Lattissima, on the other hand, may produce froth that is not as consistent.

Comparison of User-Friendly Features

When comparing user-friendly features, the Nespresso Lattissima Pro and Nespresso Gran Lattissima both offer convenient and accessible options for coffee lovers. The Lattissima Pro comes equipped with a touchscreen display, allowing users to easily select their desired coffee preparation with just a few taps. Additionally, it has a powerful 19-bar pressure pump that ensures optimal extraction and guarantees a rich, flavorful espresso. On the other hand, the Gran Lattissima features a one-touch milk system that allows users to customize their milk-based beverages with ease. This feature is particularly appealing to those who enjoy lattes or cappuccinos. Furthermore, both machines have removable milk tanks that can be stored in the refrigerator, making them easy to clean and maintain. Overall, whether it’s the touchscreen display or the one-touch milk system, both the Lattissima Pro and the Gran Lattissima prioritize user convenience and provide a user-friendly coffee experience.

Lattissima Pro vs Gran Lattissima: Customization and Programming

The Nespresso Lattissima Pro and the Gran Lattissima both offer customization and programming options, but there are some notable differences between the two models. The Lattissima Pro boasts a programmable coffee volume feature, allowing users to adjust the amount of coffee dispensed to their liking. It also has a steamed milk volume control, enabling users to choose the amount of milk they prefer in their drinks. Additionally, the Lattissima Pro offers six programmable drink options, allowing users to save their preferred settings for quick and convenient brewing.

On the other hand, the Gran Lattissima offers seven pre-programmed recipes, including espresso, lungo, cappuccino, latte macchiato, flat white, and more. While it does not offer the same level of customization as the Lattissima Pro, it still provides a range of options to cater to different tastes. Overall, both machines offer a degree of customization and programming, but the Lattissima Pro provides more opportunities for personalized brewing experiences. The choice between the Gran Lattissima and the Lattissima Pro ultimately depends on the user’s preference for versatility and control.

Nespresso Lattissima Pro vs Gran Lattissima: Cleaning and Maintenance

When it comes to cleaning and maintenance, both the Nespresso Lattissima Pro and the Gran Lattissima offer convenience and ease of use. The Lattissima Pro features a detachable milk carafe and a self-cleaning system, making it a breeze to clean. It also has a descaling alert that ensures proper maintenance of the machine.

On the other hand, the Gran Lattissima takes cleaning to another level with its innovative One-Touch Cleaning System. This system automatically cleans the milk system after each use, eliminating the need for manual cleaning. Additionally, the Gran Lattissima has a dishwasher-safe milk carafe, making it even more convenient to clean. Both machines have removable drip trays and water tanks, which are easy to clean and maintain. Overall, both the Nespresso Lattissima Pro and the Gran Lattissima offer hassle-free cleaning and maintenance, ensuring that you can always enjoy a perfect cup of coffee without any extra effort.

Nespresso Gran Lattissima vs Lattissima Pro: Price and Value for Money

When comparing the prices of the Nespresso Lattissima Pro and the Gran Lattissima, it is evident that there is a significant price difference between the two models. The Lattissima Pro typically has a higher price point compared to the Gran Lattissima. However, it is important to analyze whether the features and performance of each machine justify this price disparity.
The Lattissima Pro is known for its sleek design and advanced technology. It offers a wide range of coffee options, including espresso, lungo, cappuccino, and latte macchiato. It also has a larger water tank capacity and features a touchscreen interface, making it user-friendly. On the other hand, the Gran Lattissima may have a more affordable price but still offers similar features such as multiple coffee options and an integrated milk frother.
Considering the price difference, it is important to assess whether the additional features and performance of the Lattissima Pro justify the higher price. If you are someone who values a more advanced and user-friendly espresso machine, then the Lattissima Pro may be worth the additional investment. However, if you are looking for a simpler machine that still delivers quality coffee, the Gran Lattissima could be a more affordable and suitable option. Ultimately, the decision will depend on individual preferences and budget restrictions.

Lattissima Pro vs Gran Lattissima: Customer Reviews and Feedback

When comparing the Lattissima Pro and the Gran Lattissima espresso machines by Nespresso, it is crucial to consider customer reviews and feedback. Overall, both models have received positive feedback from customers. Users appreciate the convenience and ease of use that the Lattissima series offers. The Lattissima Pro has been praised for its sleek design and the ability to create barista-quality coffee at home. Customers also appreciate its quick heat-up time and the variety of drink options available.

On the other hand, the Gran Lattissima has also received positive feedback for its straightforward operation and the inclusion of a built-in milk frother. Many customers find it incredibly convenient to have both the coffee and milk frothing functions in one machine. However, there have been some negative comments regarding the reliability of the machines. A few customers reported issues with leaking, uneven coffee extraction, or occasional breakdowns. Despite these concerns, the majority of customers are satisfied with these machines, praising their performance and the quality of the coffee they produce.

 Gran Lattissima vs Lattissima Pro: Pros and Cons

Lattissima Pro


  • Premium build.
  • Excellent coffee quality.
  • Advanced customization.
  • Sleek design.
  • Large milk carafe.


  • Higher price point.
  • Some may find the touchscreen less intuitive.

Gran Lattissima


  • Versatility in coffee choices.
  • User-friendly.
  • One-touch operation.
  • Affordable.
  • Compact design.


  • Limited coffee options.
  • Smaller milk carafe.
  • Limited programmability.

Which is Better?

After careful consideration, it is evident that the better choice depends on individual preferences. If you value a higher degree of customization and are willing to invest in a top-tier coffee experience, the Lattissima Pro is the way to go. The Lattissima Pro boasts a sleek design and has a wider range of beverage options, including the ability to make hot chocolate. It also has a milk frother that can be adjusted to suit personal preferences. On the other hand, if you prefer a more straightforward approach to brewing and desire a variety of coffee options without breaking the bank, the Gran Lattissima is an excellent choice.


Both the Lattissima Pro and Gran Lattissima deliver exceptional coffee experiences, and you can’t go wrong with either. Remember to prioritize your preferences and budget when making your decision. Whichever model you choose, you’ll be one step closer to enjoying cafe-quality coffee in the comfort of your own home.

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