Jura D6 vs Philips 3200: Which Super-Automatic Espresso Machine is Right for You?

In the world of super-automatic espresso machines, the Jura D6 and Philips 3200 have captured the attention of coffee enthusiasts and beginners alike. These entry-level machines offer a convenient and affordable way to enjoy barista-quality coffee at home. But which one is the better choice for you? In this comprehensive comparison of Jura D6 vs Philips 3200 we’ll dive deep into the features, performance, and design of both machines to help you make an informed decision.

Jura D6 vs Philips 3200: Comparison Chart

To kick off our comparison, let’s take a look at the key specifications and features of the Jura D6 and Philips 3200.



Text Display with Buttons & Dials

Full Touchscreen


Steel Conical Burr

Ceramic Flat Burr

Milk Frother


Panarello w/ Integrated Carafe

Min - Max Cup Height (in)

2.6 - 4.4

3.3 - 6.9

Water Reservoir (oz.)



Bean Hopper (oz.)



Used Grounds Container



Specialty Drinks



Coffee Strength Levels



Brew Temperature Levels



Hot Water Levels



Only Milk Foam Option



Removable Brew Group



Pre-Ground Powder Chute



Weight (lbs.)



Power Consumption (Watt)



Dimensions (W x H x D) (in)

11.0 x 13.6 x 16.3

14.6 x 9.7 x 17

Now that we have an overview of the specifications, let’s dive deeper into the key differences and similarities between the Jura D6 and Philips 3200.

Interface and Overall Construction

The interface and overall construction of an espresso machine play a crucial role in the user experience. The Jura D6 features a plain text display with buttons and dials, offering a straightforward and efficient operation. While it may not be as visually appealing as the Philips 3200’s full touchscreen interface, it gets the job done without any unnecessary frills. The compact design of the D6 makes it a great choice for those with limited counter space.

On the other hand, the Philips 3200 boasts a sleek and modern full touchscreen interface. With just a swipe of your finger, you can access all the functions and settings of the machine. It’s intuitive, easy to navigate, and adds a touch of elegance to your coffee brewing experience. The 3200 may be slightly larger and heavier than the D6, but its well-balanced construction and combination of plastic and steel make it a durable and attractive choice for any kitchen.

Grinder Type and Settings

The grinder is a critical component of any espresso machine, as it determines the quality and consistency of the coffee grounds. The Jura D6 comes equipped with an integrated Aroma G2 grinder, featuring a stainless steel conical burr design. With 12 adjustable grind settings, the D6 offers versatility for espresso, coffee, and cappuccino. While the Aroma G2 grinder excels at preserving the flavors and aromas of the beans, it can be quite noisy during operation.

In contrast, the Philips 3200 features a ceramic flat burr grinder with 12 grind sizes. Ceramic burrs are known for their consistency and longevity, ensuring a precise and even grind every time. The 3200’s grinder offers a quieter operation compared to the D6’s Aroma G2 grinder. If you value a quieter brewing experience and desire a more consistent grind, the 3200’s ceramic burr grinder is the better option.

Performance and Brewing Features:

The most crucial aspect of any espresso machine lies in its brewing performance, and the Jura D6 and the Philips 3200 do not disappoint. The Jura D6 boasts a powerful thermoblock heating system, which rapidly heats water to the perfect temperature, ensuring a consistent and rich espresso shot every time. Its Intelligent Pre-Brew Aroma System (IPBAS) wets the coffee grounds before extraction, enhancing the flavors and aromas of the final brew.

On the other hand, the Philips 3200 incorporates the Aroma Extract system, optimizing the brewing process by finely balancing water flow and coffee ground saturation. Its patented AquaClean water filter further contributes to the coffee’s purity by reducing impurities and minimizing the need for descaling.

Dosing and Tamping

One of the advantages of super-automatic espresso machines like the Jura D6 and Philips 3200 is their ability to handle the dosing and tamping steps automatically. This feature is especially beneficial for beginners or those who prefer a hassle-free brewing process. Both machines have their own pre-infusion technology to enhance the extraction of flavors.

The Jura D6 utilizes its pulse extraction process (P.E.P.) to produce impressive espresso and coffee shots. With 16 grams of ground coffee per shot, the D6 ensures a robust and flavorful cup every time. On the other hand, the Philips 3200 utilizes an intelligent brewing system to pull shots, providing consistent and satisfying results with 14 grams of ground coffee per shot. While the Jura D6 offers superior shot quality, both machines excel at delivering exceptional coffee with minimal effort.

Drink Customizations

When it comes to drink customizations, the Jura D6 and Philips 3200 offer different options to cater to your preferences. The Jura D6 allows you to make three drinks: espresso, cappuccino, and coffee. It provides four different brew strengths, two brew temperatures, and two hot water temperatures, allowing you to adjust the intensity and temperature of your beverage. Whether you prefer a bold espresso shot or a milder coffee, the D6 has you covered.

In comparison, the Philips 3200 offers a wider variety of drinks, including espresso, cappuccino, latte macchiato, Americano, and black coffee. While the 3200 provides three brew temperature levels and three hot water temperature levels, it has fewer strength options with only three levels. If you enjoy experimenting with different coffee recipes and want more variety in your drink choices, the Philips 3200 is the better option.

Storage Capacities

The storage capacities of an espresso machine are essential for convenience and efficiency. The Jura D6 features a larger water reservoir with a capacity of 64.2 ounces, allowing you to brew multiple cups without the need for frequent refills. However, it has a smaller bean hopper capacity of 6.8 ounces and a used grounds container capacity of 16 servings. If you often brew coffee for a large group or prefer to minimize refilling, the D6’s water reservoir capacity is a significant advantage.

In contrast, the Philips 3200 has a slightly smaller water reservoir with a capacity of 60.9 ounces. However, it compensates with a larger bean hopper capacity of 9.9 ounces, allowing you to store more coffee beans for extended use. The used grounds container of the 3200 can hold up to 12 servings. Additionally, the 3200’s adjustable cup height provides more flexibility for using different cup sizes, mugs, or glasses compared to the D6. Depending on your brewing needs and storage preferences, you can choose between the larger water reservoir of the D6 or the larger bean hopper and cup height adjustability of the 3200.

Milk System

If you enjoy milk-based drinks like cappuccinos and lattes, the milk system of an espresso machine is essential. The Jura D6 features a cappuccinatore, which is a manual milk frother. While it allows you to froth milk for your beverages, it offers less control over the final result. On the other hand, the Philips 3200 comes with a panarello steam wand system with an integrated carafe, providing more control and versatility in creating your desired milk foam texture.

Both machines can produce microfoam for your milk-based drinks, but the Jura D6’s performance is slightly better in this regard. However, if you prefer having more control over the milk frothing process and enjoy experimenting with different milk foam textures, the Philips 3200’s steam wand system is the superior choice.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial for maintaining the performance and longevity of your espresso machine. Both the Jura D6 and Philips 3200 offer convenient automated cleaning cycles to simplify the maintenance process. The Jura D6 relies on Jura’s cleaning solutions and tablets for thorough cleaning and descaling. While it doesn’t have a removable brew group, it still ensures a clean and hygienic brewing environment.

In comparison, the Philips 3200 offers the added advantage of a removable brew group, allowing for more thorough cleaning and maintenance. This feature enables you to easily access and clean hard-to-reach areas, ensuring the longevity and durability of the machine. Whether you prefer the simplicity of Jura’s cleaning solutions or the thoroughness of the Philips 3200’s removable brew group, both machines make it easy to keep your espresso machine in optimal condition.


Despite their differences, the Jura D6 and Philips 3200 share some common features and performance aspects:

  • Both machines utilize a single boiler heating system and a 15-bar pump pressure mechanism, ensuring optimal extraction and temperature control.
  • You can enjoy the convenience of the 2-cup function with both the Jura D6 and Philips 3200, allowing you to brew two cups simultaneously for non-milk-based drinks.
  • Both machines have their own one-touch features. The Jura D6 offers a one-touch cappuccino function, while the Philips 3200 allows for a one-touch Americano, providing quick and easy access to your favorite beverages.
  • Both the Jura D6 and Philips 3200 excel at creating thick crema, the silky smooth layer that sits atop your espresso shots, ensuring a visually appealing and flavorful cup of coffee.


In the battle of Jura D6 vs Philips 3200, the choice ultimately comes down to your specific needs and preferences. The Jura D6 offers superior shot quality, a straightforward interface, and the convenience of Jura’s cleaning solutions. On the other hand, the Philips 3200 provides a sleek full touchscreen interface, more drink options, a larger bean hopper, and the versatility of the panarello steam wand system.

Whether you value shot quality and simplicity or prefer more customization and control, both machines deliver exceptional espresso and coffee. Consider factors such as your desired drink variety, storage capacity needs, milk frothing preferences, and cleaning routine. With either the Jura D6 or Philips 3200, you can enjoy the convenience and luxury of barista-quality coffee in the comfort of your own home.

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