Breville Barista Pro vs Touch: Which Espresso Machine Wins

If you are a coffee lover and enjoy sipping on a delicious espresso drink every morning, investing in a high-quality espresso machine is a must. In the world of espresso enthusiasts, Breville is a well-known brand that consistently delivers exceptional coffee machines. Two of their popular offerings, the Breville Barista Pro and the Breville Barista Touch have garnered significant attention for their advanced features and quality brews. This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison of Breville Barista Pro vs Touch to help you make an informed decision.

Overview of Breville Barista Pro:

The Breville Barista Pro is a semi-automatic espresso machine designed for home baristas. It boasts a sleek and compact design with stainless steel construction, making it an elegant addition to any kitchen. The Barista Pro comes with a built-in conical burr grinder, allowing users to grind fresh coffee beans directly before brewing. It features a user-friendly LCD screen with buttons that simplifies the brewing process.

Overview of Breville Barista Touch:

The Breville Barista Touch takes the concept of automated espresso-making to the next level. This fully automatic machine comes equipped with an intuitive touch screen that offers a wide range of customizations. The Barista Touch also includes a built-in grinder for freshly ground beans and offers various preset coffee recipes, making it convenient for even the most novice coffee lovers

Breville Barista Pro vs Touch: Comparison

We’ll compare design, build quality, brewing capabilities, steam wand, user interface, bean hopper capacity, temperature control, cleaning, and maintenance. let’s start

Breville Barista Pro vs Touch: Design And Build Quality

 When it comes to design and build quality, both the Breville Barista Pro and Barista Touch have their own unique features. The Barista Pro is designed with a sleek and modern stainless-steel exterior, giving it a classy and professional look. It has a compact size, making it perfect for smaller kitchen spaces. On the other hand, the Barista Touch offers a more interactive experience with its touchscreen display. This feature allows users to easily navigate through the various settings and options with just a swipe of their finger. The touch screen also adds a modern and sophisticated touch to the overall design of the machine. Both machines are built with durability in mind, ensuring that they will last for years to come. The Barista Pro features solid construction and high-quality materials, adding to its overall sturdiness. It also has a built-in grinder, which is made of sturdy stainless steel, contributing to its durability. Similarly, the Barista Touch is built with top-notch materials and has a solid construction. It is designed to withstand daily use and is built to last. The combination of its stainless-steel body and durable components ensures that it can withstand the rigorous demands of coffee making. In conclusion, both the Breville Barista Pro and Barista Touch offer exceptional design and build quality. Whether you prefer the classic look of the Barista Pro or the modern touchscreen display of the Barista Touch, you can be assured that both machines are built to withstand the test of time.

Brewing Capabilities

The Breville Barista Pro and Barista Touch are both highly regarded espresso machines with exceptional brewing capabilities. The Barista Pro espresso machine is known for its versatility and user-friendly features. It comes with a powerful 1680-watt Thermo coil heating system, which ensures fast and precise heat distribution for optimal brewing. The Barista Pro also features a built-in conical burr grinder with adjustable grind size options, allowing users to customize their coffee’s flavor and strength. Additionally, it has a digital temperature control that enables the extraction of rich and flavorful espresso. However, the Barista Touch espresso machine takes brewing capabilities to the next level with its innovative touchscreen interface. This interface not only provides easy access to various brewing options but also allows users to create and save personalized coffee recipes. With just a few taps on the screen, coffee enthusiasts can experiment with different brewing parameters and save their favorite recipes for future use. Both machines offer exceptional brewing capabilities, but the Barista Touch provides the added advantage of a more interactive and customizable brewing experience. Whether you choose the Barista Pro or the Barista Touch, you can expect to enjoy a premium brewing experience in the comfort of your own home.

Steam Wand: Manual Milk Frothing (Barista Pro) Vs Automatic (Barista Touch)

When it comes to frothing milk, the Breville Barista Pro and Barista Touch offer two different approaches. The main difference lies in the steam wand. The Barista Pro features a manual milk frothing system, while the Barista Touch has an automatic option. With the manual steam wand of the Barista Pro, baristas have full control over the frothing process. They can adjust the steam pressure and the angle of the wand to achieve the desired texture and temperature. This allows for more customization and experimentation in creating different milk-based beverages. On the other hand, the automatic steam wand of the Barista Touch simplifies the process by automatically frothing the milk to a preset level. This could be a preferred option for home users who appreciate convenience and consistency. While both machines produce quality frothed milk, the choice between the two ultimately depends on personal preference and the level of control one desires over the frothing process.

User Interface and Ease of Use

  When comparing the Breville Barista Pro vs Barista Touch, one important factor to consider is the user interface and ease of use. Both machines feature a sleek and modern design, but there are some notable differences. The Barista Touch boasts a user-friendly touchscreen interface, making it easy for beginners to navigate through various options and settings.

On the other hand, the Barista Pro relies on more traditional manual buttons and knobs, which may appeal to those who prefer a more hands-on approach to their espresso-making. In terms of ease of use, the Barista Touch offers a step-by-step guidance system for brewing different types of coffee, ensuring consistent and high-quality results every time. However, some users may find the touchscreen less responsive compared to the tactile buttons on the Barista Pro. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and comfort level with technology when deciding between these two impressive Breville espresso machines. 

Breville Barista Pro vs Touch: Bean Hopper Capacity

The Breville Barista Pro and Touch are two popular espresso machines that offer a range of features for coffee enthusiasts. When it comes to bean hopper capacity, there are some differences between the two models. The Barista Pro features a larger bean hopper, with a capacity of 1/2 pound, allowing you to have a greater quantity of beans ready for grinding and brewing. On the other hand, the Touch has a slightly smaller bean hopper capacity of 1/4 pound. While this may not seem like a significant difference, it can make a difference for those who are regular espresso drinkers or have a larger household where multiple cups of coffee are made throughout the day. The larger bean hopper capacity of the Barista Pro means less frequent refilling and more convenience. However, if you prefer to have a variety of coffee beans to choose from and regularly switch them out, the slightly smaller capacity of the Touch may be sufficient for your needs. Ultimately, it depends on your personal preferences and coffee consumption habits.

Breville Barista Pro vs Touch: Beverage Temperature Control

When comparing the Breville Barista Pro and the Breville Barista Touch, one notable feature that sets them apart is the beverage temperature control. Both machines offer the ability to adjust the temperature of your coffee, ensuring that it is brewed to your preferred level of heat. However, the Breville Barista Touch takes this customization a step further with its advanced digital display. With this feature, users can easily select their desired temperature with just a touch of a button. On the other hand, the Breville Barista Pro relies on a manual control knob to adjust the temperature, offering a more traditional approach. While both machines provide the means to achieve your desired coffee temperature, the Breville Barista Touch offers a more modern and convenient experience with its intuitive touchscreen interface. Ultimately, the decision between the two models will depend on personal preference for either a digital or manual temperature control system.

Cleaning and Maintenance

When it comes to cleaning and maintenance, there are a few differences between the Breville Barista Pro and Barista Touch. Both machines have removable parts that can be easily cleaned, such as the portafilter and steam wand. However, the Barista Touch offers a more advanced cleaning system. It has an integrated cleaning cycle that automatically flushes the machine with hot water, ensuring that all traces of coffee residue are removed. Additionally, the Barista Touch has a dedicated cleaning disc that can be used to clean the milk frother. On the other hand, the Barista Pro requires manual cleaning and maintenance. While it does come with a cleaning kit, it does not have an automated cleaning system. This means you will need to regularly clean the machine by hand to keep it in optimal condition. Overall, the Barista Touch offers a more convenient and automated cleaning experience compared to the Barista Pro.

Price and Value: Pay More for the Barista’s Touch Advanced Features

Breville Barista Pro vs Touch: Beverage Selection

When it comes to beverage selection, both the Breville Barista Pro and the Breville Barista Touch offer a wide range of options to satisfy every coffee lover’s cravings. The Barista Pro comes with a built-in conical burr grinder, allowing you to choose from a variety of bean options to achieve your desired flavor profile. It also offers manual control over the espresso shot volume and temperature, giving you the freedom to experiment and personalize your brew. On the other hand, the Barista Touch takes it a step further with its intuitive touchscreen display. This makes selecting your favorite drink as easy as swiping and tapping. Additionally, it offers eight pre-programmed beverages, including espresso, latte, cappuccino, and more. 

Customer Reviews and Feedback

Looking into customer reviews is essential to gauge the real-world performance of these machines. Both the Barista Pro and Barista Touch have received positive feedback for their coffee quality, ease of use, and overall reliability. However, some users might prefer the simplicity of the Barista Pro, while others appreciate the cutting-edge technology of the Barista Touch.

 Breville Barista Pro Vs Touch: Pros and Cons

Breville Barista Pro:


  • Affordable pricing
  • Classic design and physical buttons
  • Consistent brewing performance
  • Simple maintenance


  • Limited customization options
  • Manual steam wand requires practice

Breville Barista Touch:


  • Extensive customization options
  • Intuitive touchscreen interface
  • Automatic milk frothing
  • Advanced features


  • Higher price tag
  • Complexity might overwhelm some users

Which Machine is Better for Making Espresso Drinks

Espresso shot quality

Both the Barista Pro and the Barista Touch are designed to deliver high-quality espresso shots. However, some coffee enthusiasts argue that the Barista Pro produces slightly better extraction due to its advanced technology and precise temperature control.

Customization options

If you like to experiment with different espresso recipes and customize your drinks to your liking, the Barista Touch offers more options. With its touchscreen interface, you can easily adjust the grind size, shot time, and milk temperature to create your perfect cup of coffee.

Efficiency and speed

When it comes to efficiency and speed, the Barista Pro takes the lead. Its advanced heating system allows for quick startup and faster brewing times, making it a great choice for busy mornings when you need your caffeine fix in a hurry.

Additional Accessories and Features

 In terms of additional accessories and features, the Breville Barista Touch takes the lead over the Barista Pro. The Barista Touch comes with a milk jug, a tamper, and a range of customizable drink presets. This means that with the Barista Touch, you can create café-quality beverages right at home. The inclusion of the milk jug allows for easy frothing and steaming of milk, making it perfect for lattes and cappuccinos. The tamper ensures that you can achieve the ideal level of pressure when tamping down your coffee grounds, resulting in a perfectly balanced and extracted shot of espresso. The range of customizable drink presets allows you to save your preferred settings for different beverages, making it convenient and easy to prepare your favorite drinks every time. Overall, the additional accessories and features of the Barista Touch make it a versatile and user-friendly choice for coffee lovers looking to create professional-quality drinks at home.

Breville Barista Pro vs Touch: Water Tank Capacity

When comparing the Breville Barista Pro and the Breville Barista Touch, one important factor to consider is their water tank capacity. The Barista Pro comes with a large 67-ounce water tank, allowing you to brew multiple cups of coffee without the need for frequent refills. This is ideal for households with multiple coffee drinkers or for those who entertain guests frequently. On the other hand, the Barista Touch has a slightly smaller water tank capacity of 64 ounces. While this may not make a significant difference for most users, it might require more frequent refills if you have a higher coffee consumption or often host larger gatherings. Ultimately, the decision on which model to choose depends on your specific needs and lifestyle.

Breville Barista Pro vs Touch: Conclusion

In conclusion, when comparing the Breville Barista Pro and the Barista Touch, both machines offer exceptional coffee-making capabilities and convenience. The Barista Pro is designed for those who prefer a more hands-on approach, allowing the user to have full control over every aspect of the espresso-making process. On the other hand, the Barista Touch is perfect for those seeking simplicity and ease of use, as it features a built-in grinder and touchscreen display for easy navigation. Ultimately, the choice between the Barista Pro and the Barista Touch will depend on individual preferences and whether you value customization or convenience more.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What features does the Barista Touch have?

The Barista Touch comes with a range of features, including a touchscreen interface, pre-programmed coffee recipes, adjustable grind size and dose, automatic milk frothing, and a built-in conical burr grinder. It also has a built-in PID temperature control system to ensure optimal water temperature for brewing.

What features does the Barista Pro offer?

The Barista Pro offers similar features to the Barista Touch, including adjustable grind size and dose, automatic milk frothing, and a built-in conical burr grinder. However, it does not have a touchscreen interface or pre-programmed coffee recipes. Instead, it offers more manual control over the brewing process with its intuitive interface and dedicated buttons.

Which machine has better temperature control, Barista Pro or Barista Touch?

Both the Barista Pro and Barista Touch have advanced temperature control systems to ensure optimal water temperature for brewing. They both use Breville’s ThermoJet heating system, which heats the water rapidly and maintains a consistent temperature throughout the brewing process.

Can I make adjustments to the coffee recipes on the Barista Touch?

Yes, the Barista Touch allows you to make adjustments to the pre-programmed coffee recipes. You can customize the grind size, dose, and milk temperature according to your preferences. The touchscreen interface makes it easy to modify the recipes to suit your taste.

Can I use pre-ground coffee with the Barista Pro and Barista Touch?

Yes, both the Barista Pro and Barista Touch allow you to use pre-ground coffee. They have a dedicated compartment for inserting pre-ground coffee, in addition to the built-in grinder for grinding fresh coffee beans.

Are the Barista Pro and Barista Touch suitable for home use?

Yes, both the Barista Pro and Barista Touch are suitable for home use. They are designed to provide a cafe-like brewing experience in the comfort of your own home. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced home barista, these machines offer a great way to enjoy high-quality espresso and other specialty coffee beverages.

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