14 Best Summer Coffee Drinks: You Must Try

Summer is here, and it’s time to sip on some refreshing coffee concoctions that will awaken your taste buds and keep you cool in the scorching heat. Whether you’re a die-hard coffee lover or looking for a new twist on your favorite brew, we’ve got you covered with our list of the 14 best summer coffee drinks you must try! From classic cold brews to exotic Vietnamese Iced Coffee and indulgent Mocha Frappuccinos, this lineup has something for everyone. Let’s dive into the world of summer coffee creations that will leave you craving more.

Cold Brew

When it comes to summer coffee drinks, Cold Brew is an absolute must-try. This chilled and refreshing beverage is made by steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cold water for atleast 12 to 24  hours, resulting in a smooth and flavorful brew that’s perfect for those hot days.

What sets Cold Brew apart from regular iced coffee is its brewing process. Instead of quickly brewing with hot water and cooling it down, the slow extraction method of Cold Brew brings out a unique array of flavors. The longer steeping time allows the coffee’s natural sweetness to shine through while minimizing bitterness.

The best part about Cold Brew is its versatility. You can enjoy it as-is over ice or add your favorite milk  or sweetener for a customized experience. Some even opt for infusing their Cold Brew with fruits like oranges or berries to create an extra burst of summery goodness.

Whether you’re lounging by the poolside or hitting up a picnic in the park, pouring yourself a glass of Cold Brew will instantly transport you to caffeinated bliss. So grab your mason jar filled with this liquid gold, take a sip, and let it awaken your senses on those sweltering summer days!

Iced Coffee

Iced coffee is a staple in the summer months, providing a refreshing and energizing way to start your day or beat the afternoon heat. There are countless variations and flavors to try, making it a versatile choice for any coffee lover.

One popular option is plain iced coffee, which involves brewing hot coffee and then allowing it to cool before pouring it over ice. This simple method allows you to enjoy the rich flavor of your favorite roast without any added frills.

For those who prefer something sweeter, flavored syrups can be added to create a personalized iced coffee experience. Whether you enjoy caramel, vanilla, or hazelnut flavors, there’s sure to be a syrup that suits your taste buds.

If you’re looking for an extra kick of caffeine, consider trying an espresso-based iced coffee drink. A shot of espresso poured over ice with milk creates a creamy and bold beverage that will keep you awake and refreshed all day long.

For those who like their beverages on the decadent side, why not try adding some chocolate? An iced mocha combines the rich flavors of chocolate and coffee for a deliciously indulgent treat.

No matter how you choose to enjoy your iced coffee this summer, one thing is certain: it’s an essential part of any caffeine lover’s routine. So go ahead and explore different recipes and flavors – you might just discover your new favorite summer drink!

Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Vietnamese Iced Coffee, also known as “Ca phe sua da,” is a delightful and refreshing summer coffee drink that originated in Vietnam.

This unique beverage combines the rich flavors of dark roast coffee with the creamy sweetness of condensed milk, resulting in a truly satisfying taste.

To make Vietnamese Iced Coffee, start by brewing strong coffee using a traditional Vietnamese coffee filter called a “phin”. The phin allows water to slowly drip through the ground coffee, creating a bold and aromatic brew. Once your coffee is ready, pour it over ice cubes and sweeten it with condensed milk according to your preference.

The combination of the intense caffeine kick from the robust coffee and the smooth texture from the condensed milk creates a harmonious balance that is perfect for hot summer days. The contrasting flavors come together beautifully, making each sip an indulgent experience.

What sets Vietnamese Iced Coffee apart is its use of condensed milk instead of regular cream or sugar. The thick and creamy consistency adds depth to every sip while enhancing the overall flavor profile. Plus, it provides just enough sweetness without overpowering the natural bitterness of black coffee.

Whether you enjoy sipping on this delectable beverage at home or at your favorite local cafe, Vietnamese Iced Coffee offers an authentic taste experience that will transport you straight to Vietnam’s bustling streets filled with vibrant culture and incredible cuisine.

So why not give this unique summer drink a try? Grab yourself some quality Vietnamese beans or pre-packaged blends specifically made for iced coffee preparation and indulge in this delicious treat that will surely become one of your go-to drinks during those scorching summer months!

Iced Mocha

Iced Mocha – a delightful combination of rich chocolate and smooth espresso, this chilled beverage is the perfect pick-me-up on a hot summer day. The velvety texture of the mocha mixed with the refreshing touch of ice creates a tantalizing treat for coffee lovers.

The beauty of an iced mocha lies in its versatility. You can customize it to your preference by adding whipped cream, drizzling caramel or chocolate syrup over the top, or even sprinkling some cocoa powder for an extra burst of flavor.

One sip of this indulgent drink instantly transports you to a sweet paradise where creamy chocolate meets bold coffee. The contrasting temperatures and flavors create a symphony of sensations that will leave you craving more.

To whip up a refreshing Iced Mocha, begin by brewing a double shot of espresso or strong coffee. Let it cool to room temperature, then pour it into a glass filled with ice cubes. In a separate container, mix together cocoa powder, sugar, and a splash of hot water to create a chocolate syrup. Stir this into the coffee, adding cold milk or cream to taste. Garnish with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cocoa powder, and your Iced Mocha is ready to enjoy!

Remember to experiment with different variations and toppings to find your perfect blend of sweet indulgence and caffeinated bliss. Cheers!

Coconut Iced Coffee

Coconut Iced Coffee is the perfect summer drink for all the coffee and coconut lovers out there. This refreshing beverage combines the rich flavors of coffee with the tropical taste of coconut, creating a delightful and indulgent treat.

To make Coconut Iced Coffee, start by brewing a strong cup of your favorite coffee. While it’s still hot, stir in some sweetened condensed milk and let it cool down to room temperature. Once cooled, pour the mixture over ice cubes in a tall glass.

Now comes the star ingredient – coconut milk! Pour a generous amount  of creamy coconut milk into your glassand give it a good stir . the amount of cocunut milk depends on your taste. 

 However, a common ratio is to use about 1/4 to 1/3 cup of creamy coconut milk for a single serving of iced coffee .

 The combination of smooth coffee, sweet condensed milk, and velvety coconut milk creates a harmonious blend that will transport you straight to paradise.

For an extra touch of decadence, top off your Coconut Iced Coffee with whipped cream and sprinkle some shredded coconut on top. Serve with a straw and enjoy sipping this tropical delight on those hot summer days.

Whether you’re lounging by the pool or sitting on your porch swing, Coconut Iced Coffee will keep you cool while satisfying your caffeine cravings. So go ahead and try this delicious concoction – trust me when I say that once you take that first sip, you’ll be hooked!

Iced Caramel Macchiato

Iced Caramel Macchiato: A Sweet and Refreshing Summer Treat

When the summer heat is in full swing, there’s nothing quite like treating yourself to a delicious and refreshing coffee drink. And one that should definitely be on your must-try list is the Iced Caramel Macchiato. With its perfect balance of rich espresso, creamy milk, and sweet caramel syrup, this beverage offers a delightful combination of flavors that will keep you cool all season long.

To make a delightful Iced Caramel Macchiato, start by filling a glass with ice. Pour in freshly brewed strong coffee, leaving some space at the top. Next, add chilled milk or cream of your choice, leaving room for customization to your preferred level of creaminess. Stir in caramel syrup to sweeten to taste. . And let’s not forget about that luxurious drizzle of caramel syrup on top – it adds just the right amount of sweetness without overpowering the coffee flavor.

What sets this drink apart from other iced coffees is its beautiful layered presentation. As you take each sip through the straw, you’ll experience different layers of flavors – starting with creamy milk at the bottom, followed by intense espresso in the middle, and finally ending with a hint of caramel sweetness lingering on your palate.

Whether you enjoy it as an afternoon pick-me-up or as an indulgent treat after dinner, an Iced Caramel Macchiato promises to satisfy your cravings for both caffeine and dessert-like flavors. So go ahead and give it a try .

Chemex Iced Coffee

Chemex Iced Coffee is a refreshing and smooth summer drink that coffee enthusiasts must try. The Chemex brewing method brings out the best flavors of the coffee beans, making it an ideal choice for iced coffee lovers.

To make Chemex Iced Coffee, start by grinding your favorite coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency. Then, place a filter in the Chemex pour-over brewer and rinse it with hot water to eliminate any paper taste.

Next, add the ground coffee to the filter and slowly pour hot water over it in circular motions. Allow the coffee to steep for about 4 minutes before removing the filter and discarding it.

Now comes the fun part – cooling down your freshly brewed Chemex Coffee! Fill a glass with ice cubes and slowly pour your brewed coffee over them. As you do so, you’ll witness mesmerizing swirls as hot meets cold.

Sip on this chilled concoction while reveling in its delicate flavor profile. The Chemex brewing process produces a clean cup of iced coffee that highlights all those intricate notes of citrus or floral undertones present in specialty coffees.

So why not beat the summer heat with this sophisticated twist on classic iced coffee? Give Chemex Iced Coffee a try today and experience pure bliss in every sip!

Mocha Frappuccino

One of the most popular summer coffee drinks that you simply must try is the Mocha Frappuccino. This delightful beverage combines the rich flavors of coffee and chocolate with a refreshing icy texture, making it perfect for those hot summer days.

The Mocha Frappuccino starts with a base of espresso and milk, blended together with ice to create a smooth and creamy concoction. Then comes the star ingredient – chocolate syrup or sauce. The sweet and indulgent taste of chocolate perfectly complements the boldness of the coffee, creating a harmonious blend that will satisfy your cravings.

To top it off, whipped cream is piled high on top of the Mocha Frappuccino, adding an extra touch of decadence. Some people even like to sprinkle cocoa powder or chocolate shavings over their drink for an extra burst of flavor.

So why not treat yourself to this delicious summer delight? Head over to your nearest coffee shop or whip up your own homemade version – either way, you won’t be disappointed! Sit back, take a sip, and let the flavors transport you to blissful summer paradise.

Espresso Martini

The Espresso Martini is the perfect summer cocktai l for coffee lovers looking to add a little kick to their drink. This delicious concoction combines the bold flavors of espresso with the smoothness of vodka, creating a refreshing and energizing beverage that will satisfy your caffeine cravings. are you thinking about vodka 

Vodka is a clear, neutral-flavored spirit with 40-50% alcohol by volume. It’s commonly made from grains or potatoes and is a popular base for cocktails.

To make an Espresso Martini, start by brewing a strong shot of espresso or using instant espresso powder mixed with water. Then, combine it with vodka, coffee liqueur (such as Kahlua), and simple syrup in a shaker filled with ice.Shake ferociously until well mixed and cooled.

Once you’ve strained the mixture into a martini glass, you’ll be greeted by a beautiful frothy layer on top known as crema. The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingers in every sip, while the vodka adds a subtle boozy punch.

Whether enjoyed at brunch or after dinner, the Espresso Martini is sure to awaken your senses and keep you buzzing all summer long. So why not give this sophisticated and indulgent cocktail a try? It’s time to shake things up!

Homemade Boba Latte

Summer is the perfect time to experiment with refreshing and unique coffee drinks, and one that should definitely be on your must-try list is the Homemade Boba Latte. 

 Boba is  a fun and chewy tapioca pearl that adds texture and flavor to drinks.

 When boba is combined with a creamy latte, it creates a delightful concoction that will satisfy both your caffeine cravings and sweet tooth.

To make this delicious drink at home, start by brewing your favorite espresso or strong coffee. While it’s still hot, mix in some sugar or sweetener of your choice until dissolved. Let the coffee cool completely before transferring it to a glass filled with ice cubes.

Next comes the star of the show – boba! You can either buy pre-made boba pearls from an Asian grocery store or make them from scratch using tapioca flour. Cook the pearls according to package instructions or follow a recipe if making them fresh.

The boba pearls should be drained after cooking and rinsed in cold water to eliminate any extra starch. Add them to your iced latte along with some milk or cream for extra richness. Give everything a good stir so that all the flavors meld together beautifully.

Now sit back, take a sip of this homemade treat, and enjoy how each mouthful brings together creamy sweetness with bursts of chewy goodness from the boba pearls. It’s truly an experience you won’t want to miss out on this summer!

Remember that you can always customize your Homemade Boba Latte by adding flavored syrups like vanilla or caramel for an extra twist of taste. Get creative and have fun experimenting until you find your perfect combination!

So why not beat those summer heatwaves while treating yourself to this unique blend? The Homemade Boba Latte is sure to become one of your go-to beverages during these sunny months! Cheers!

Affogato coffee

Affogato is the perfect summer coffee treat that combines the rich flavors of espresso with creamy gelato or ice cream.

 Affogato was originated in Italy. In Italian, the word “affogato” actually means “drowned”  which perfectly describes the process of pouring a shot of hot espresso over a scoop (or two) of cold gelato or ice cream.

 The contrast between the warm espresso and cold ice cream creates a heavenly combination of flavors and temperatures.

One great thing about affogato is its versatility. You can experiment with different flavors by choosing different types of gelato or ice cream to pair with your espresso. Whether you prefer classic vanilla, indulgent chocolate, or even fruity sorbet, there are endless possibilities for creating unique and delicious combinations.

To enjoy an affogato at home, simply brew a strong shot of espresso and place a scoop (or two!) of your favorite gelat

Java Chip Frappuccino

Java Chip Frappuccino is a delightful summer coffee drink that combines the rich flavors of coffee, chocolate, and ice cream. It’s a perfect pick-me-up on hot days when you need something refreshing and indulgent. The Java Chip Frappuccino starts with a base of blended ice, milk, and coffee syrup. Then comes the star ingredient – chocolate chips! These little morsels add bursts of sweetness and texture to every sip.

The creamy consistency of the frappuccino is what makes it so irresistible. As you take your first sip, you’ll be greeted with a smooth blend of coffee and chocolate flavors dancing on your taste buds. The coldness of the drink provides instant relief from the summer heat while giving you that caffeine boost to keep you going throughout the day.

One great thing about Java Chip Frappuccino is its versatility. You can customize it according to your preferences by adding extra espresso shots for an extra kick or swapping regular milk for almond or soy milk if you have dietary restrictions.

Whether you’re lounging by the pool or enjoying a picnic in the park, sipping on a Java Chip Frappuccino will transport you to a state of pure bliss. So go ahead and treat yourself to this indulgent summer delight – your taste buds will thank you!

Lemonade Coffee

Lemonade Coffee: A Refreshing Twist to Your Summer Sips

Looking for a unique and refreshing coffee drink to beat the summer heat? Look no further than lemonade coffee! This delightful combination of tangy lemonade and smooth, bold coffee is sure to awaken your taste buds and leave you feeling refreshed.

The beauty of lemonade coffee lies in its simplicity. It starts with a base of chilled lemonade, made with freshly squeezed lemons for that authentic zesty flavor. Then, it’s infused with a shot or two (depending on your preference) of cold brew or iced coffee. The result? A harmonious marriage of sweet and sour notes that will leave you craving more.

What makes this drink truly special is the balance it achieves between acidity and bitterness. The tartness from the lemonade perfectly complements the rich flavors of the coffee, creating a beverage that is both invigorating and satisfying.

Whether enjoyed by the poolside or during an afternoon picnic, lemonade coffee is guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser. Its vibrant colors and tantalizing aroma make it as visually appealing as it is delicious.

So why not give this innovative twist on classic summer beverages a try? Treat yourself to a glass of refreshing lemonade coffee – your taste buds will thank you!

Dalgona Coffee

Last but certainly not least on our list of the best summer coffee drinks is the viral sensation that took social media by storm – Dalgona Coffee.

 Originating from South Korea, Dalgona coffee became an instant hit worldwide during quarantine.

With just three simple ingredients – instant coffee, sugar, and hot water – you can create a fluffy cloud of velvety goodness to top your milk or iced beverage. The result is a rich and creamy concoction that will satisfy your caffeine cravings and keep you cool all summer long.

To make Dalgona Coffee, simply combine equal parts instant coffee, sugar, and hot water in a bowl. Then whisk vigorously until it reaches a frothy consistency. Spoon this luscious whipped mixture over a glass of cold milk or pour it over ice for an indulgent iced treat. You can even get creative by adding flavored syrups or dusting some cocoa powder on top.

Whether you’re lounging by the poolside or enjoying a picnic in the park, Dalgona Coffee is sure to be a refreshing addition to your summer beverage lineup. Its decadent taste and beautiful presentation make it the perfect drink.

final thoughts:

So there you have it – our roundup of the 14 best summer coffee drinks that you must try! From classic favorites like Cold Brew and Iced Mocha to trendy creations like Homemade Boba Latte and Dalgona Coffee, these beverages offer something for every coffee lover’s palate.

Now go ahead and explore these delicious options as you soak up the sun this summer season. Whether you prefer bold flavors or sweet indulgences, these drinks are guaranteed to quench your thirst while keeping you caffeinated throughout those sunny days ahead!

Cheers to enjoying delightful sips under warm rays!

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